first beijing urban regeneration forum held in shougang park -j9九游会真人游戏第一


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first beijing urban regeneration forum held in shougang park

release time:2022-08-01 14:34:48

on july 12th, the inaugural ceremony of the first beijing urban regeneration forum (burf) and urban regeneration alliance was held in shougang park. themed “joint regeneration and rejuvenation”, burf aims to promote a consensus on beijing’s urban regeneration, build a multi-party dialogue platform and explore a long-term mechanism of urban regeneration with government guidance, market operation and public participation. burf also commended 16 “best practices” projects and 18 “excellent cases” of urban regeneration in beijing, such as the shougang old industrial zone (north district) regeneration project, and contracts for key urban regeneration projects were signed on site.

the proposal of the beijing urban regeneration alliance, of which the shougang group is the governing unit, was released at its launch ceremony. 

during burf, reporters from the shougang news center interviewed leaders and guests. li rusheng, chief engineer of the ministry of housing and urban-rural development, said that the urban regeneration of new shougang is an excellent case of the urban transformation and development of an old industrial zone in the new era, as well as exemplary exploration and practice. it is hoped that shougang will, in accordance with the laws of urban development and the diverse needs of citizens and foreign tourists, maximize its industrial heritage and excel in urban regeneration through low-carbon environmental protection, green development and digital transformation. xu tiecheng, deputy dean of the cadg fourth institute of architecture, said that shougang has done well in urban regeneration. on the basis of its industrial relics, shougang has created a new space for cultural activities which has become a model project in the renovation of old buildings and played a leading role in urban regeneration. zhao chunjun, party secretary and chairman of beijing jingcheng group co., ltd., said that the renovation and construction of shougang park have distinctive features and highlights. the winter olympics held there recently was a global event which made the world pay more attention to china and shougang. as a state-owned enterprise, the shougang group has the responsibility and courage to set an example in the promotion of urban regeneration.

burf was held at shougang park, a benchmark project in the transformation and utilization of industrial sites in large-scale and urban areas located on the west extension line of chang’an avenue. in 2016, the beijing winter olympic organizing committee moved in, and the north district of the shougang old industrial zone was the first to start regeneration, covering areas in shijingshan landscape park, winter olympics square, shougang industrial heritage park, etc. from project planning to implementation, multiple problems such as land resource utilization, environmental pollution control, industrial heritage protection, employment placement of employees and transformation and development motivation were solved in an overall manner. with the goal of creating a “new landmark of capital city rejuvenation in the new era”, cultural rejuvenation, industrial rejuvenation, ecological rejuvenation and vitality rejuvenation were promoted, creating a model in the protection and utilization of large-scale industrial heritage sites, and perfectly combining industrial heritage protection with the hosting of major international sports events and urban rejuvenation.

the shougang old industrial zone (north district) regeneration project was awarded the first “best practice” award for urban regeneration in beijing. the citation read, “it is the pride of both new china and the new era. always remember the steel flower dance in the four modernizations; the ribbon rises unforgettably under the five-ring flag. it was wholly relocated and rebuilt in different places, and the remodeling of the original site is dedicated to the city’s comprehensive upgrading; it rises from the ashes in this city. after regeneration, it is still iron, and its history is marked by green mountains and clear waters. its persistence and regeneration always keep pace with the times.”

it is reported that in the afternoon, the sub-forum interpreted the policy orientation of beijing’s urban regeneration in terms of planning guidance, technological innovation, green and low-carbon, consumption vitality, financial support, legislative guarantee, etc., focused on the three themes of “cultural heritage and community co-construction”, “commercial operation and vitality rejuvenation” and “technological empowerment, livability and enterprise-adaptability”, and held expert keynote speeches, key regional project promotion, classic case sharing, etc., to promote extensive exchanges and cooperation.

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