shougang group-j9九游会真人游戏第一


environmental protection

social responsibility> environmental protection

environmental protection

the shougang group always adheres to the development concept of “lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets”, consciously regards green and low-carbon as an important part of its high-quality development, deeply integrates environmental protection into its entire enterprise development process, consciously fulfills its social responsibility and actively serves as the backbone of building a beautiful homeland.

the “green action plan” has been continuously implemented since 2015. during the 13th five-year plan period, shougang implemented more than 300 key governance projects, and its reduction rates of flue gas and dust, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide per ton of steel reached 61.73%, 62.37% and 47.11% respectively.

beijing shougang has become the first steel enterprise in the world to realize ultra-low emissions throughout the whole process, as well as the vanguard of ultra-low emissions in the steel industry; shougang jingtang successfully passed the evaluation and acceptance of ultra-low emissions in the whole process, and was rated as an a-level enterprise of long-process steel; jingtang coking joined the first batch of ultra-low emission enterprises in the coking industry in hebei province, and received an a-level performance evaluation; beijing shougang, jingtang, cold rolling, guigang and bwi won the title of “national green factory”; and jingtang, guigang and shougang zhixin electromagnetic were rated as enterprises with good environmental credit.

in the 2022 “green list” of the steel industrial chain published by the china metallurgical press, shougang qiangang, jingtang and changzhi iron & steel were rated as “steel green development benchmark enterprises”, and jingtang was rated as a “green, low-carbon and excellent brand enterprise” by the china metallurgical information and standardization institute.

shougang vigorously develops green and low-carbon products. it is committed to manufacturing high-end green products, and has developed many series of green and low-carbon products such as high-energy-efficient electrical steel, lightweight high-strength steel for automobiles, high-strength steel for household appliances, long-life zinc-aluminum-magnesium household appliance boards, high-strength infrastructure steel bars, etc., thereby promoting coordinated carbon reduction in the machinery, automobile, household appliance, construction and other industries, and helping the downstream industrial chain to reduce its co2 emissions by more than 5 million tons annually.

shougang actively promotes the utilization of clean energy. shougang qiangang, cold rolling, bwi, shougang jiantou, etc. have actively developed and utilized renewable energy, and built a series of rooftop distributed photovoltaic power generation facilities. in particular, cold rolling built the largest demonstration project of distributed photovoltaic power generation in beijing at the time, with an installed capacity of 8.7 mw and good energy saving and carbon reduction effects. the 5.69 mw rooftop distributed photovoltaic project built by shougang qiangang is the first large-scale green energy demonstration project to be implemented in qian’an, hebei province. it has now been connected to the grid with full capacity, and operates efficiently to generate electricity, producing about 6.8 million kwh of green electricity every year, and reducing carbon emissions by about 6,000 tons. shougang, jingtang, changzhi iron & steel, tonggang and shougang park are actively carrying out market-oriented green electricity trading and exploring a new mechanism for carbon reduction; and shougang mining is actively making use of spatial resources such as iron ore tailings ponds at waterworks to promote large-scale photovoltaic power generation demonstration projects.

shougang vigorously promotes innovation in energy saving and carbon reduction technologies. taking converter gas and other by-products as the raw materials, jingtang has built a fuel ethanol project with an annual output of 45,000 tons, and produces fuel ethanol products for automobiles and aviation through the microbial fermentation process. it has built the first domestic project of recovering co2 from the tail gas of lime kilns for co2-o2 mixed injection steelmaking, leading low-carbon technological innovation in the industry.

jingtang has taken advantage of its technology and equipment, promoted the low-carbon cycle, green development and efficiency improvement simultaneously, and pressed the fast-forward button for ultra-low emission transformation. it has adhered to systematic thinking, implemented the pollution control of waste gas, wastewater and waste residue from “design drawings” to “construction drawings”, and made further innovations in yard closure and access control system upgrade, successfully achieving the goal of ‘creating a’ and becoming a model of green development in the steel industry.

shougang changzhi iron & steel has improved its 30 mw high-temperature and high-pressure cdq generator sets, 35 mw high-temperature and high-pressure gas generator sets, etc., which has greatly enhanced its “soft power” in water management and control. through a series of measures such as refined water metering, water pipe network management, water quota setting, water treatment facilities and water supply system operation optimization, management system and control mechanism improvement, its new water consumption level per ton of steel has been reduced to 1.8 m3/t, reaching the first-class level in the industry. changzhi iron & steel successfully passed the ultra-low emission assessment of shanxi province and joined the first batch of local b-level enterprises in performance evaluation, becoming a regional benchmark!

shougang shuigang has built a 55 mw ultra-high temperature (uht) and ultra-high pressure (uhp) gas power generation project. in the construction process, the uht and uhp units adhered to localization and adopted domestic advanced technologies. to this end, about 260 million kwh of power generation has been added each year, the efficiency of energy recovery, conversion and utilization has greatly improved, and the self-generation rate of the enterprise has increased by 9%.

the green development of multiple business forms in shougang park has led to the rapid improvement of environmental quality. shougang park bears the heavy responsibility of building a new landmark for the renaissance of the capital city in a new era and serving the 2022 winter olympics. by comprehensively consolidating the regional environmental management system, strictly practicing green construction standards and accurately implementing the “six 100%” requirements of construction sites, the quality of the park’s ecological environment has continuously improved.

shougang mining corporation has achieved remarkable results in the restoration and management of the ecological environment. over the past few years, more than 2,400 acres have been reclaimed and afforested, achieving the three-year goal of a 100% afforested rate in mining areas. shuichang iron mine was included in the first batch of “national green mines”, and xingshan iron mine was selected as the “green mine reserve of hebei province”.

shougang environment has continuously strengthened its technological r&d, improved its whole process management, promoted the rapid development of industries such as the comprehensive treatment of domestic garbage, soil treatment of industrial contaminated sites and ecological restoration, and helped to build a “waste-free city”. shougang environment has built the beijing-lujiashan domestic waste incineration power generation project (a major livelihood project with an annual processing capacity of 1 million tons), changzhi domestic waste harmless treatment project (a key project of shanxi province with an annual processing capacity of 365,000 tons) and construction waste resource treatment production line (a sci-tech innovation project of beijing sasac with an annual processing capacity of 1 million tons). beijing shougang construction investment promotes green construction and vigorously develops fabricated buildings. since the 13th five-year plan, its accumulated construction area has exceeded 1.2 million m2, thereby promoting energy conservation and carbon reduction in the construction industry.

green and low carbon have become the distinct features of the shougang group’s high-quality development. shougang will forge ahead to build a beautiful china!

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