shougang group-j9九游会真人游戏第一


team of talents

talent development> team of talents

team of talents

the shougang group has always attached importance to the construction of talent teams and the personal growth platforms of its employees. in 1950, shougang staff university was established to train employees in scientific knowledge and professional skills. in 1954, shougang technician college was established to recruit students in society and train professional technical workers in iron and steel manufacturing posts. in 1958, shougang party school was established to train cadres at all levels.

in the 1970s, shougang started to build universities: the first branch of the beijing iron and steel institute was established in 1978, the second branch of the beijing iron and steel institute was established in 1979, and shougang university was established in 1985 to recruit students in society and train talents at different levels such as undergraduate degree, college-level and technical secondary school level.

the iron and steel research institute was established in 1960 for the study of iron and steel smelting technology, and the shougang design institute was established in 1973 for the study of metallurgical infrastructure engineering design. in 1983, it merged with the beijing metallurgical research institute for the study of alloy smelting technology.

 since 2007, shougang has comprehensively promoted the implementation and continuous optimization of a “green channel” for the career development of the three talent teams, namely the operation and management series, professional technical management series and skilled operation series, set up a talent growth ladder, realized the “vertical promotion and horizontal intercommunication” of all kinds of talents, stimulated the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of talent officers and promoted the joint development of talents and enterprises. relying on the support of a strong talent team, shougang completed the unprecedented relocation of its large-scale iron and steel plants, realized the structural transformation and optimization of its iron and steel products, and continuously enhanced its core competitiveness.

after entering the critical period of transformation and development, shougang has implemented the development strategy of establishing the ecological zone and pursuing green transformation, further deepened the construction of its three talent teams and achieved remarkable results.

the operation and management series implements a symbolic rank system, adopts the integrated management of posts and ranks, determines salaries and related performance benefits according to post and rank, improves the reasonable flow mechanism, makes overall plans for the construction of leading bodies and leader teams at all levels, continuously improves the efficiency and accuracy of the personnel work of the group's cadres, and forms a leadership management system more in line with the needs of market competition and characterized by “one-level management, hierarchical management and systematic control”. it explores and implements the hiring mechanism of professional managers, and strengthens market-oriented selection and employment, thereby effectively making up for the lack of high-level leading talents in new industries and vigorously promoting the rapid development of various industries. it strengthens the training of excellent young cadres, continuously holds special training classes for young cadres and young and middle-aged leaders, and constantly strengthens the leadership construction of reserve talents.

 the professional technical management series builds a team of leading talents in science and technology, selects 13 “shougang scientists”, adheres to the combination of career incentives and salary incentives, provides the right to suggest scientific research tasks, key research projects, budgets, team nominations and technical routes, offers competitive salaries in the market and gives full play to the leading role of talents in science and technology. it implements the policy of academic qualifications and housing allowances for excellent college graduates, and gathers high-quality college students to make contributions to shougang. it implements the market-oriented selection and recruitment of high-level professionals, establishes a more dynamic and competitive salary distribution mechanism in line with the market, gathers the intelligence of talents and accelerates the filling of talent shortcomings. it continues to carry out the selection and incentive work of the shougang science and technology awards, builds a technological innovation system with “one institute and multiple centers” as the main body, and accelerates the growth of scientific research and technical talents. it takes the technology center as the platform, sets up joint laboratories in collaboration with universities, research institutes and product users, and forms an open talent training pattern. it builds a “four-in-one” talent development system comprising the talent competence model, testing and evaluation tools, talent inventory and talent development, promotes “one person with one number” online training for talents across the whole group, and builds a high-quality online learning platform to help all employees to learn and improve their quality.

the skilled operation series builds a team of craftsmen, evaluates and selects “shougang craftsmen”, gives one-time rewards and pays craftsman allowances every month, breaks the ceiling of salary and job promotion, and creates an intense atmosphere of respecting high-skilled talents. it promotes the project of 100 skilled operation experts and 1,000 senior technicians, and strengthens the team construction of senior technicians. it focuses on building a brand training program for key skilled talents in shougang, giving full play to the radiating and leading role of platforms such as the skilled master studio and staff innovation studio, and training professional talents in various ways. it opens up a green channel for skills competitions, establishes and improves the supporting incentive mechanism, and stimulates the active growth ability of skilled talents by promoting training through competition.

after entering the new era, guided by xi jinping thought on socialism with chinese characteristics for a new era, the shougang party committee implemented the spirit of the central talent work conference in an all-around way. in 2021, an experience exchange meeting on “innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship” under the theme “talent work” was held to consolidate the consensus on talent team construction further, systematically plan the reform and innovation measures of talent work, and implement the strategy of strengthening enterprises through talents in order to provide a solid talent guarantee for the high-quality development of shougang’s enterprises.

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