zhao minge visits and expresses condolences to frontline staff of rain and flood control at environmental ecology company and lujiashan mine -j9九游会真人游戏第一


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zhao minge visits and expresses condolences to frontline staff of rain and flood control at environmental ecology company and lujiashan mine

release time:2023-08-01 09:12:16

on august 1st, zhao minge and hu xiongguang, leaders of the group, visited and expressed condolences to the frontline staff of the shougang environmental ecology company and lujiashan mine in mentougou district, and inspected the rain and flood control and logistics support.

since 20:00 on july 29th, affected by typhoon doksuri, mentougou district experienced a continuous heavy rainfall rarely seen in history. currently, the cumulative average rainfall in the district has far exceeded the level of "july 21st", reaching 471.1 mm, while the maximum rainfall has reached 723 mm, the highest in the history of meteorological records. the continuous heavy rainfall caused the water level of rivers and lakes in the district to rise, left many parts of the district in danger and induced flash floods on july 31st.

zhao minge and hu xiongguang took a muddy path to inspect the environmental ecology company and lujiashan mine, and check the river flooding and road damage nearby. at the food waste treatment area and waste incineration power generation production area of the environmental ecology company, the south area of lujiashan mine, technical center, etc., they learned about the personnel on duty, logistics support, communication networks, duty attendance, etc., and urged the relevant responsible persons to do their best to provide logistics support for the life of the employees so that they could eat hot meals and drink hot water.

at the flood control on-site work meeting held later, zhao minge listened to the relevant work reports of the heads of the environmental ecology company, lujiashan mine, industrial company, beijing shougang automation information technology co., ltd. and other units, fully affirmed the great work done by all units of the group in dealing with the flood in an orderly manner, and expressed condolences and gratitude to the majority of cadres and workers who fought on the frontline of rain and flood control. he stressed that we should carry forward the spirit of continuous efforts, clarify responsibilities and various flood control measures, make every effort to take proper steps in rain and flood control with firmer determination and more effective measures, resolutely control the flooding caused by the typhoon and ensure the safety of workers during the flood season.

zhao minge stressed the need to actively communicate with the relevant departments and do everything possible to quickly resume traffic. it is necessary to attach great importance to and focus on the mountainous areas prone to geological disasters, clarify the responsibilities, assign special personnel to guard these areas, monitor dangerous situations in real time and ensure effective safety monitoring. it is necessary to establish and improve the on-site command and dispatch system, uniformly command and coordinate rain and flood control, logistics support and other work at the environmental ecology company and the whole area of lujiashan mine, and deal with emergencies quickly to effectively respond to flood risks. to ensure the unimpeded communication of information, all posts should be accessible, the number of personnel should be grasped in real time and no one should be left behind. it is necessary to strengthen work shifts and security guarantees, adhere to the "zero report" system, report incidents if any, conduct safety checks when no incident occurs and comprehensively ensure safety during the flood season.

hu xiongguang put forward specific requirements for strengthening work shifts and security guarantees, and making emergency plans.

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