shougang's high-j9九游会真人游戏第一


shougang news

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shougang's high-end products gain popularity

release time:2023-05-29 09:58:47

since 2022, shougang has won 16 awards, including the "special contribution award" from byd (the only steel enterprise to win this award), "award of partners for common progress" from faw-volkswagen, "best partner award" from geely automobile and "excellent supplier" from both china international marine containers (group) co., ltd. (cimc) and china railway shanhaiguan bridge group co., ltd. (crsbg), and received thank-you letters from 31 companies including shaanxi automobile holding group co., ltd. and julong steel pipe co., ltd. (jlsp) for its efforts in epidemic control, supply guarantee and win-win cooperation.

in recent years, shougang has actively benchmarked itself against world-class enterprises, taken "win-win results through smart manufacturing and services" as its brand slogan, insisted on quality, innovation and responsibility orientation, deeply cultivated its brand culture, stimulated its brand energy and realized substantial achievements in brand construction. shougang has conducted in-depth research on the five advantages of "products, quality, cost, services and technology" to form ten high-end product series such as automobile sheets, electrical steel and tinplate. in 2022, shougang made a new breakthrough in its product structure adjustment, and the profit-increasing ability of its high-end leading products and market share of its three strategic products rose steadily. the continuous creation of high-end, characteristic and differentiated products led the output of high-end leading products to reach 110% of the annual plan, achieving rapid growth for five consecutive years. the supply of japanese automobile sheets doubled, and "leading" products related to zinc, aluminum, magnesium and intermediate coating-free steel continued to exert their strength. the contracting of new models and the certification of new parts reached record highs. non-oriented high-grade electrical steel products for new energy vehicles doubled, and the market share of oriented ultra-thin products remained no. 1 for five consecutive years. the greatly improved profitability of tin-plated and chrome-plated sheets, the extremely thin specification of "cicada wing-type steel" applied to the beijing winter olympics and the national version of "cicada wing-type steel" postcards for the "20th cpc national congress"… all of these achievements are the best proof of shougang's strength and the strongest evidence of its pursuit of quality innovation.

shougang continuously enhanced the competitive advantages of its products. in 2022, automobile sheets, zinc plating and high-strength steel all exceeded both the targets of the annual plan and progress targets of the 14th five-year plan. large reaming and ultra-high strength steel became the second in the world to pass the 1,180 mpa steel grade certification of a japanese brand. batch application of zinc, aluminum and magnesium in side wall outer plates was realized for the first time in the industry. the year-on-year growth rates of intermediate coating-free, al-si and ultra-high strength steel increased. uf steel products were launched in china and realized batch supply. shougang studied japanese automobile enterprises, leading to a supply increase of over 80% for two consecutive years. the supply to new energy vehicle enterprises achieved the breakthrough of a more than fourfold year-on-year increase, and all-base and full-variety supply to byd was realized. the sales volume of key pickled sheet products reached a new high, with significant year-on-year increases in independent and joint venture brands.

the product structure of shougang's hot rolled automobile steel was continuously optimized, with its market share of wheel steel maintaining the no. 1 position for eight consecutive years. the development of lightweight, high-strength and integrated wheels, large reaming wheels and other products was completed. thin gauge weathering steel for ordinary boxes led the domestic market. the supply of high-strength photovoltaic weathering steel was realized, making shougang the second steel manufacturer in china to supply hot-rolled super weathering steel for photovoltaic brackets. its market share of welded steel for bottles maintained the top position in china for the tenth consecutive year. pipeline steel was successfully supplied for the first long-distance hydrogen transmission pipeline in china for the first time. the proportion of special steel of high-end brands increased to 51%, and the small batch supply of high-end tool steels 75ni8 and x32crmov14-1 was realized.

for appliance sheets, shougang closely followed industrial development, cooperated with well-known domestic household appliance enterprises on carrying out three high-strength thinning projects, and broadened the application of zinc, aluminum and magnesium products in huawei's energy storage cabinets and other new fields. fine blanking steel increased by 18% year-on-year. enamel steel increased by 79% year-on-year, marking the first breakthrough in new applications. guide rail steel achieved full coverage in products of 330–470 mpa grade. full play was given to the advantages of six-stand rolling to promote the development of battery case products.

orders for thin-gauge moderately thick plates increased by 46% year-on-year, and heat treatment optimized the product structure to stop losses and increase efficiency. shougang achieved rapid accumulation in the performance of steel for wind power and storage tanks, realizing the full coverage of its wind power steel series. the development of high-end products was strengthened to realize the mass production of 9ni steel. the first 10,000-ton batch supply of high-strength steel hydropower plants was realized for pumped-storage projects. for the first time, high-grade weathering bridge steel was supplied in batches for the largest single weathering bridge project in china. x80 high-grade pipeline steel set a sales record and was supplied for national pipeline network and pipeline construction. shougang also made the first breakthrough in the performance of high-strength alloy vessel steel, extra-thick-gauge marine engineering steel and other high-grade products.

marketing service capability was steadily improved. shougang adhered to the concept of "manufacturing services" and always regarded customer satisfaction as the service goal that enterprises strive for. in 2022, shougang continuously optimized system construction, constantly improved the operation mechanism of its major customer service teams and enhanced the strength of teams for japanese and new energy vehicles. three customer service teams for haier, midea and hisense were cultivated, as well as three key product service teams for fine blanking steel, aluminum and magnesium products, and color coated sheets.

the value-creating ability of services was continuously improved. shougang gave full play to the synergistic advantages of the system, responded rapidly to the personalized needs of high-value customers and enhanced the ability to turn "crisis" into "opportunity". the pickling production-marketing-research team of the marketing center overcame factors such as the epidemic situation, difficult rolling for extreme specifications, traffic limitations during the spring festival holiday, tight delivery cycle, etc., seized opportunities presented by the projects of leading new energy vehicle enterprises, completed the delivery of certified materials within 21 days and successfully entered the supplier system. the automobile service team innovated and improved the marketing service system, and responded to byd's demands efficiently and quickly, resulting in byd's supply increasing by four times year-on-year.

trophies and thank-you letters are the highest praise and honor for shougang's product and service team. shougang will continue to focus on users, deepen "manufacturing services" through product and channel upgrading, pay attention to and make breakthroughs in leading technology, give full play to the advantages of the production-marketing-research team and make joint efforts with users to cope with market changes, share weal and woe, and achieve win-win results.

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