shougang awarded a (extremely strong) rating for five consecutive years -j9九游会真人游戏第一


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shougang awarded a (extremely strong) rating for five consecutive years

release time:2023-01-16 15:15:09

on december 20th, the shougang group won an a (extremely strong) rating again at the 2023 china and global steel demand forecast & 2022 china steel enterprise competitiveness (& development quality) rating research results conference, meaning that it reaches or approaches the world-class level. this is the fifth consecutive year since 2018 that the shougang group has been awarded an a (extremely strong) rating.

in the past year, under the guidance of xi jinping thought on socialism with chinese characteristics for a new era, the shougang group party committee has earnestly studied, publicized and implemented the spirit of the 20th cpc national congress, resolutely implemented the major decision-making arrangements of the municipal party committee and government, and carried forward the great spirit of party building. facing the tremendous pressure brought by the market downturn and the severe impact brought by the covid-19 pandemic, the party committee led the broad masses of cadres and workers to strengthen their confidence; overcome difficulties; go all out to reduce costs, improve efficiency and increase benefits; closely follow the main line of laying a good foundation for high-quality development; actively respond to the severe market situation; conscientiously implement the "eight focuses" management policy; make every effort to fight against the pandemic and maintain production; and deepen reform and innovation. with great efforts and continuous product upgrading and technological progress, the party committee has achieved one first process and seven first products in the world, fully completed the annual objectives and tasks, and presented a new image in accelerating the transformation of shougang and giving rise to its transformation.

the metallurgical industry planning and research institute has studied and released the competitiveness rating of china's steel enterprises for 12 consecutive years since 2011. this year’s assessment covered 109 steel enterprises with a combined crude steel output accounting for 90.9% of the total national output. the assessment focused on 29 indicators including crude steel output, advanced steelmaking equipment, guarantee degree of raw materials such as iron ore, profit per ton of steel, environmental protection performance and proportion of r&d expenses. a total of 19 enterprises were rated as a (extremely strong), including china baowu steel group corporation limited, angang steel group limited, citic pacific special steel group co., ltd. and jiangsu shagang group co., ltd., while 38 enterprises were rated as a (fairly strong), including shandong shiheng special steel group co., ltd. and 39 enterprises rated as b (rather strong), including hongxing steel.

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