flame of beijing 2022 winter olympic games arrives at shougang park -j9九游会真人游戏第一


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flame of beijing 2022 winter olympic games arrives at shougang park

release time:2022-01-03 09:24:13

on december 13th, the flame of the beijing 2022 winter olympic games arrived at shougang park, and the flame exhibition tour was held in the underwater exhibition hall of xiuchi. cadres and workers of shougang and representatives of shijingshan district participated in the tour, witnessed the charm of the flame of the winter olympics and experienced the symbolism and connotations of the torch relay scene together. the event was attended by piao xuedong, director of the marketing department of the beijing winter olympic organizing committee, zhang gongyan, party secretary and chairman of the shougang group, zhao minge, deputy secretary of the party committee, director and general manager, he wei, deputy secretary of the party committee and director, man zhide, standing committee member of the party committee, secretary of the discipline inspection commission and ombudsman, liang zongping, standing committee member of the party committee, director and chairman of the trade union, and liang jie, standing committee member of the party committee and deputy general manager.

in his speech, piao xuedong said that the idea of the torch for the beijing winter olympics originated from “china’s no. 1 lamp”, the gilt bronze human-shaped lamp of the western han dynasty, which carries the flame of the olympic spirit, illuminates the way forward for mankind to unite and cooperate to overcome difficulties, and brings people confidence, warmth and hope. the torch of the beijing winter olympics embodies the inheritance and development of the “dual olympic city”. this event will further display olympic values and vision, ignite olympic passion and convey the olympic dream, ensuring that everyone can effectively participate in the preparations for the winter olympics, greet the promise of ice and snow with full enthusiasm, head towards a bright future and jointly welcome beijing 2022.

in his speech, liang zongping said that the winter olympics is fast approaching amid rising “heat”. the ski jump platform of shougang has started to make snow, and the supporting projects for the winter olympics are sprinting to completion. the people are carrying out colorful winter olympics-themed activities, and shougang is filled with a strong atmosphere of welcoming the games. through this flame exhibition tour, we shall further enhance our sense of political responsibility, historical mission and time urgency, gather all the wisdom and strength of shougang people, and provide a comprehensive service guarantee with high standards, multiple directions and excellent quality by racing against the clock and struggling hard to make greater contributions to the winter olympics.

wang xiaopeng, the employee’s representative of shougang jingtang, expressed his excitement, expectations and best wishes for the winter olympics, having taken part in two olympics flame exhibition tours as a shougang person. he said that shougang people should further forge ahead, pursue excellence, firmly raise the banner of advanced manufacturing and bravely become the vanguard of high-quality development.

century-old shougang has an indissoluble bond with the olympic games. over ten years ago, shougang implemented relocation and adjustment, creating the feat of moving from “mountain” to “sea”, which made an important contribution to the success of the beijing 2008 olympic games. after the successful bid for the 2022 beijing winter olympics, the office area of the beijing winter olympic organizing committee, the national team’s ice project training base and the shougang ski jump platform competition venue successively settled in shougang park. shougang has once again bonded with the olympic games to become the official partner of the beijing 2022 winter olympics and winter paralympics, undertaking the winter olympics service guarantee. today, elements of the winter olympics can be seen everywhere in shougang park among the perfect blend of industrial relics and modern architecture.

from “fire” to “ice” and from “plant” to “city”, the fire of the furnace and the flame of the winter olympics complement each other. through this flame exhibition tour, shougang cadres and workers personally experience the hope conveyed by the flame of the winter olympics from olympia, greece, as well as the olympic values centered on excellence, friendship and respect. the olympic flame in shougang park has aroused the pride of shougang people and sounded the “bugle call” of their full guarantee for a successful winter olympics. shougang people will continue to conscientiously implement the requirements of “simplicity, safety and excitement” in running the games, and fulfill the service guarantee with high standards, quality and efficiency.

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