beijing 2022 winter olympic flame arrives in shougang park -j9九游会真人游戏第一


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beijing 2022 winter olympic flame arrives in shougang park

release time:2021-12-17 08:39:36

on december 13th, the flame of the beijing 2022 winter olympics arrived in shougang park. the flame exhibition was held in the underwater exhibition hall of xiuchi pool. officials and staff of shougang and public representatives of shijingshan district attended the event and experienced the charm of the winter olympic flame and the symbolic meaning and connotations of the torch relay. the event was attended by pu xuedong, head of the market development department of the beijing winter olympics organizing committee; zhang gongyan, party secretary and chairman of the shougang group; zhao minge, deputy party secretary, director and general manager of the shougang group; he wei, deputy party secretary and director of the shougang group; man zhide, member of the standing committee of the party committee, secretary of the commission for discipline inspection and ombudsman of the shougang group; liang zongping, member of the standing committee of the party committee, director and labor union chairman of the shougang group; and liang jie, member of the standing committee of the party committee and deputy general manager of the shougang group. 

in his speech, pu xuedong said, “the idea of the flame for the beijing winter olympics originated from the changxin palace lamp of the western han dynasty, which was the ‘first lamp of china’. the flame carrying the olympic spirit illuminates the way forward for mankind to overcome difficulties through unity and cooperation, and brings people confidence, warmth and hope; and the flame of the beijing winter olympics embodies the inheritance and development of this “double olympic city”. this event will further demonstrate olympic values and vision, ignite the passion of the olympic games and convey the olympic dream, enabling everyone to participate in the preparations for the winter olympics, greet ice and snow with full enthusiasm, strive for a better future and jointly meet beijing 2022.”

in his speech, liang zongping said, “as the winter olympics draw near, enthusiasm is on the rise; the snowmaking process has begun at shougang ski jump platform; supporting projects for the winter olympics have entered their final stages; colorful winter olympics-themed mass activities are being held; and shougang is filled with a strong anticipatory atmosphere for the winter olympics. through this olympic flame exhibition, we will strengthen our sense of political responsibility and historical mission, and be aware of the urgency of time; and we will gather the wisdom and strength of all members of shougang, race against the clock and provide high-standard, high-quality comprehensive services with full momentum, thereby adding luster and making greater contributions to the winter olympics.”

wang xiaopeng, an employees’ representative from shougang jingtang, expressed his excitement to participate twice in olympic flame exhibitions as a member of shougang and witness the charm of the flame of the winter olympics, as well as his anticipation and good wishes for the games. he said that shougang people will continue to strive for excellence, firmly establish the banner of advanced manufacturing and take the lead in high-quality development. 

the century-old shougang has an indissoluble bond with the olympic games. more than ten years ago, shougang was relocated, achieving the feat of moving from “mountain” to “sea” and making important contributions to the success of the 2008 beijing olympic games. after beijing won the bidding to host the 2022 winter olympics, shougang park became home to the office area of the beijing winter olympics organizing committee, ice sports training base of the national team and shougang ski jump venue. once again bonded with the olympic games, shougang became the official partner of the beijing 2022 winter olympic and paralympic games, and shouldered the honor and responsibility of providing services for the winter olympics. now, elements of the winter olympics can be seen everywhere in shougang park, where industrial relics and modern architecture blend perfectly.

as “fire” has been turned into “ice” and “factory” into “city”, the fires of the furnaces and the flame of the winter olympics reflect each other. through this event, the leaders and employees of shougang experienced the hope embodied by the olympic flame arriving from olympia in greece, and the olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect. the olympic flame arrived in shougang park, rousing pride in the hearts of all shougang people and sounding the “bugle call” for them to guarantee perfect services for the winter olympics. shougang will continue to earnestly implement the requirements of holding a “simple, safe and wonderful” event, and complete the task of providing services for the winter olympics with high standards, high quality and high efficiency, thus supporting the grand event of the beijing winter olympics.

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