shougang’s oriented electrical steel successfully applied at wudongde hydropower station -j9九游会真人游戏第一


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shougang’s oriented electrical steel successfully applied at wudongde hydropower station

release time:2021-09-16 09:23:13

on june 16th, wudongde hydropower station, a national major project of “west-east power transmission”, was officially put into production. it has 38 sets of 315 mva/550 kv generator transformers, of which more than 70% adopt shougang’s high-quality and high-magnetic-induction oriented electrical steel. with more efficient power generation and greener transmission, the century-old shougang has once again made new contributions to “advanced machinery”.

since 2017, shougang has aimed at the specific requirements of the project for electromagnetic performance, noise index and dimensional accuracy of oriented electrical steel, and transformed various technical standards into internal control points, successfully supplying the first batch of high-performance oriented electrical steel products at the end of 2018. since then, more of shougang’s high-quality and high-magnetic-induction oriented electrical steel has been installed in the transformers of wudongde hydropower station.

recently, the dam of baihetan hydropower station, the world’s largest hydropower project under construction, was filled to its top. the first batch of units was scheduled to be put into production before july 2021. in this world-class super-scale project, the 500 kv transformer, adopting shougang’s oriented electrical steel as its main material, accounts for 50% of the main transformers on both sides of baihetan hydropower station. shougang’s electrical steel adds splendor to “advanced machinery” time and time again.

shougang released its first roll of oriented electrical steel on march 7th, 2012. relying on independent innovation and unremitting research, shougang has quickly entered the first echelon of high-end and efficient transformer material suppliers in the world. its products are world-class in quality indicators such as electromagnetic performance, noise control and dimensional accuracy. it has successively overcome the worldwide manufacturing problems of 0.18 mm and 0.15 mm ultra-thin oriented electrical steel through the global launch of low-noise brands 27sqgd085ln and 23sqgd080ln. its ultra-thin oriented electrical steel has held the largest market share in china for three consecutive years, winning the strong trust of users in terms of product quality, performance stability, service capability and delivery assurance.

adhering to the market-oriented and customer-oriented approaches, after years of efforts, shougang’s high-magnetic-induction oriented electrical steel products are widely used in transformers of 500 kv and above, integrated in such national strategic engineering construction as wudongde hydropower station, changlongshan hydropower station, state grid xilin gol league-shandong, huainan-shanghai and zhangbei-xiong’an uhv transmission, hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge, beijing winter olympics venues, guangdong taipingling nuclear power plant and so on. shougang’s products have been exported to 29 countries and regions including japan, south korea and italy, and successfully applied in angola, laos, thailand and other “belt and road” national power stations and power grid projects. shougang has climbed the peak of product r&d and technological innovation, and truly controlled the key core technology of “advanced machinery” in its hands, thereby contributing its wisdom, strength and responsibility to china’s security, strategy and economy, and the people’s livelihood.

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