polishing up the “shougang service” brand with practical actions at ciftis -j9九游会真人游戏第一


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polishing up the “shougang service” brand with practical actions at ciftis

release time:2021-09-07 16:51:23

from september 2nd to 7th, 2021, the china international fair for trade in services (ciftis) was held in beijing. for the first time in the history of ciftis, there were “double venues” at the china national convention center and shougang park. it was also the first time shougang had undertaken such a large-scale international exhibition. the party committee of the shougang group attached great importance to this ciftis and required its employees to combine the study and education of party history with service support for ciftis, and complete all tasks with high standards and quality. while the relevant units completed the construction of the exhibition hall at "shougang speed", the operation support team actively communicated with the exhibition organizers during the construction period. in order to implement all the work requirements of the executive committee of ciftis and do a good job in providing shougang park with comprehensive service support, according to the organizational structure of the executive committee, the shougang group established a comprehensive service support headquarters with 11 working groups to undertake on-site resource allocation, system service support, unified command and dispatch of emergency response during ciftis, etc., and coordinated the professional forces of the relevant units to ensure the safe and smooth holding of ciftis. with the strength of the entire shougang group, the cadres and employees of each working group worked hard around the clock, providing satisfactory service support for the event.

eight themed exhibitions and more than 70 supporting forums and concurrent events were held in the ciftis exhibition area of shougang park, fully demonstrating new technologies, models and achievements in various fields under the development trends of digitalization, networking and intelligence. the audience’s enthusiasm for participating in the exhibition was extremely high. since it opened to the public free of charge on september 5th, more than 30,000 people booked online every day, and more than 190,000 visitors were received during the exhibition. ciftis not only kept the "heat" of shougang park rising, but also brought an unprecedented test for the service support work. facing this challenge, the cadres and workers of all relevant units of the shougang group made great efforts to transform the achievements of party history study and education into practical actions so as to provide excellent service support for ciftis, poured their love for the communist party and china into their specific tasks, and spared no effort to provide services in such aspects as energy, venues, catering and conferences. 

24-hour energy support

electricity, water, air conditioning, refrigeration and communication are the "hardware" that ensure the normal operation of ciftis. all relevant units of beijing shougang construction investment co., ltd., beijing shougang park comprehensive service co., ltd. and beijing shougang automation information technology co., ltd. actively coordinated, stayed at the scene and maintained the venues to ensure the smooth operation of ciftis.

“during ciftis, we specially set up an energy support team of more than 150 people to provide 24-hour support for the power supply, water supply and air conditioning in the venue area of shougang park.”

“set the temperature in all venues to 24℃”, said wang lijun, director of the energy operation and maintenance division of beijing shougang park comprehensive service co., ltd. into his walkie-talkie during the interview. according to wang lijun, there were 80 air conditioners in 13 closed venues, and each venue had on-site service personnel. the service personnel of each venue reported the room temperature and related conditions of each venue at any time. the control center summarized the actual conditions such as the weather and issued temperature adjustment instructions at any time so as to give the audience a better experience when visiting the exhibition.

nine support groups ensure "continuous network connection"

“beijing shougang automation information technology co., ltd. took precautions, set up a special working group to support the regional communication system of shougang park during ciftis, and dispatched more than 170 technical backbones to support communications in advance.”

ciftis has high standards, and its exhibitors have diverse needs. units with security and communication needs include government departments, beijing shougang construction investment co., ltd., exhibitors, beijing public security corps, shijingshan public security bureau and many others. according to the actual situation, the specific working group quickly set up nine support groups which were responsible for network security, operation services, exhibition hall services, venue services and supporting facility services. all teams cooperated closely together, worked hard day and night for nearly two weeks, and improved the joint debugging of the communication infrastructure, conference facilities, weak current facilities in the exhibition halls, indoor and outdoor security monitoring facilities, and special network construction. in close cooperation with the three major operators, four communication base stations were added to meet the large-scale needs of mobile users in combination with the wireless wifi network in the venue. especially in response to public security needs, the security team used the original design plan to connect all relevant surveillance cameras within the red line of ciftis to the security platform. the number of connected surveillance cameras reached more than 510, fully meeting the requirements of the beijing public security corps for monitoring with no dead corners and full coverage.

jia xiuzhi, network engineer of the system integration department of beijing shougang automation information technology co., ltd., was responsible for debugging the network equipment of the 15 major venues, conference rooms and supporting facilities. his family lives in qinhuangdao. as he led the design of the network system of the previous ciftis, he did not go home for two months before the debugging began, but he never complained at all, because the only word in his vocabulary was “struggle”. people at the site often saw him riding an electric bike to debug equipment in various venues. he worked overtime until three or four in the morning for three consecutive days. he would go to the dormitory to sleep for a while, then rush back to the scene. he told reporters, “during that time, i was thinking in my dreams about how to allocate ip address fields in each area reasonably to achieve optimal results.” it was the efforts of jia xiuzhi and his colleagues that ensured the successful launch and smooth operation of all 190 wireless aps and 249 network switches in the shougang park area of ciftis.

there were 169 outdoor surveillance cameras, 64 monitoring poles and four alarm columns in the shougang park area. these devices were widely distributed in many outdoor areas of the exhibition halls, among which the installation positions of the monitoring poles were very scattered and required debugging in high places. it was a challenge to finish the work quickly. in order to complete the construction of the relevant systems before the formal launch of ciftis, wang xin, secretary of the smart city headquarters’ system integration division of beijing shougang automation information technology co., ltd., led more than ten employees to form a commando team and made plans according to the schedule to complete all the work before august 31st.

liu zhongliang, deputy director of the system r&d center of the smart city headquarters digital park division, beijing shougang automation information technology co., ltd., was responsible for network connection and system deployment for the public address system within the red line of ciftis. after receiving the task, liu zhongliang and his colleague he xin cooperated with the security and debugging personnel of the system integration department. after five days and nights of continuous hard work, they had performed stand-alone debugging for 67 sets of front-end sound columns and power amplifier equipment, and five sets of back-end equipment including monitor speakers, paging hosts, broadcast servers, audio matrix power amplifiers and other equipment, networked and jointly debugged the public address system, and adjusted and solved system problems during trial operation after the joint debugging of the system. the entire system was completed and operating normally and stably on the evening of september 1st.

52 stations catering to an average of 30,000 people per day

“this is one of the most distinctive restaurants in ciftis: shougang canteen.” chen hongbo, director of the hotel catering department of beijing shougang park comprehensive service co., ltd. told the reporter that shougang canteen used to be the canteen of shougang coking plant. the coking plant was renovated and transformed to create an industrial-style cluster exhibition experience. in the brand-new shougang canteen, the gray walls are matched with red-brown leather sofas, the knives and forks are wrapped in light green napkins on brass-colored plates, and the wine glasses next to them sparkle brightly in the lamplight; diners eat at the tables elegantly, and the industrial-style shougang canteen is brimming with warmth.

shougang canteen is designed for a large number of diners and can accommodate over 200 people at any one time. in order to provide customers with an effective and enjoyable dining experience, shougang canteen was divided into two parts by beijing shougang park comprehensive service co., ltd. on the east side of the canteen is a cafeteria serving chinese food, while western set meals are available on the west side, including steaks, salads and light meals.

according to chen hongbo, “shougang canteen can cater to an average of 33,000 people per day”. the company classified people into three categories: staff, visitors and forum and event personnel. for visitors, a total of 32 catering brands participated in the catering service, seven of which were directly managed by shougang and the remaining 25 were famous catering brands such as pianyifang, mcdonald’s, starbucks, hehegu and huguosi snacks, guaranteeing the catering supply during ciftis.

“shougang park is now known as a ‘social media influencer check-in place’, and shougang soda has become the most popular drink at ciftis”, chen hongbo added. shougang soda, attracting numerous exhibitors, is now available in both glass bottles and pe (polyethylene) bottles. moreover, shougang launched the mineral water “jingshan spring”, and the first batch of sparkling water “qizhiganghao” was also popular. miss li from shijingshan said, “it never occurred to me that ciftis could be held in my city. i’m flattered. in particular, it makes me feel at home that i can drink traditional shougang soda.”

the beijing time-honored shop street in hall no. 15 had five beijing time-honored catering companies in total. beijing time-honored companies such as pianyifang, changtangli and huguosi snacks supplied food on site, serving 1,000 people at the same time. “we’re here to check in. shougang soda is tasty and the food here is distinctive. others may come for ciftis but we’re here for the ‘food trade fair’”, some young people told the reporter excitedly.

it was reported that more than 13,000 people gathered at ciftis shougang park for lunch. because a large number of people gathered for meals, beijing shougang park comprehensive service co., ltd. set up eight centralized food catering stations in the park, with each station corresponding to a nearby exhibition hall. the staff could order in advance and pick up their meals according to tickets, giving the nearby staff easy access to food. based on the scattered dining locations for the forums and concurrent events, the company offered a customized distribution service for over 3,000 people to meet the catering demands of the staff of concurrent events scattered throughout shougang park.

“full coverage” of cleaning and disinfection at all times

in the shougang park ciftis exhibition area, industrial elements could be seen everywhere, including striking cast iron trash cans that resembled pipes. people were impressed by the clean and tidy roads, and beautiful environment.

“in view of the numerous venues and large flow of people, according to the beijing municipal domestic waste management regulations, the all-round deployment of waste sorting and transportation in venues was implemented to achieve full coverage." according to cao shihui, public area service manager of beijing shougang park comprehensive service co., ltd., the sorting and transportation of waste could be specifically divided into four parts: the first was to employ 382 cleaning personnel to clean the overall public areas such as the exhibition halls, roads, public buildings and facilities, including garbage removal and classification; the second was to employ 24 cleaning staff to clean the meeting rooms and fixed toilets, and 35 cleaning staff in charge of cleaning the centralized kitchens; the third was to assign special personnel to pick up white garbage from the green spaces; and the fourth was to place a total of 730 mobile toilets throughout the entire ciftis area, each of which had a toilet seat and a dedicated force responsible for its cleaning. in addition, a special garbage station equipped with three garbage compactor trucks was established, and four stations and four sorting trash cans were set up in the landing halls and garbage sorting points in the north and south to facilitate the removal and transportation of hazardous garbage. cao shihui said, “we set up 152 industrial-style trash cans like this, and 152 trash cans with a capacity of 240 liters. the cleaning personnel disinfect and clean everywhere at all times in order to guarantee the cleanliness and tidiness of ciftis.”

cao shihui added that each industrial trash can has its own unique number so the cleaning personnel only need to go to the relevant point for cleaning and transportation, which is more convenient for management. for even more effective management, the company selected the best garbage removal service providers and formulated a complete garbage removal management plan. the cleaners removed the garbage in the halls to the outdoor trash cans. once each trash can exceeded two-thirds of its capacity, the cleaning staff were immediately notified to empty it. the cleaning staff followed the linkage mechanism to clean their contracted area from south to north and from north to south. each garbage truck was equipped with a disinfection watering can. whenever garbage was cleared, the garbage can and garbage storage point would be disinfected centrally, and the disinfection log recorded in real time. after the park closed, 26 small electric garbage trucks and three large garbage trucks also carried out all-round garbage removal work.

high-standard professional conference services

aside from the eight themed exhibitions, shougang park was also the venue of many forums and concurrent events. some meetings were high-level and wide-ranging, with many participants and dense agendas. in some cases, there were only five minutes to prepare between two result launch conferences. the above factors put forward higher requirements for conference services.

the company selected capable forces to set up a temporary meeting service site headquarters and provide special services for the venue. it also chose more than 50 internally politically reliable, skilled and experienced customer service and "conference services" staff to form six special conference service teams. according to the requirements of the ciftis organizers, they formulated conference service plans and work procedures, and organized "conference services" to conduct practical training in etiquette, service skills and confidentiality education in the taolou, winter olympics and other conference rooms. they communicated closely with the organizers of ciftis to fulfill the needs of services, materials, agendas, leadership lines and so on. they also conducted site surveys, organized and approved the 15 meeting rooms of ciftis, and carefully arranged the venues according to the requirements so as to create a warm and comfortable environment. meanwhile, in accordance with the practices of the beichen group, the whole service process was synchronized on-site. during the exhibition, high-standard professional conference services were provided for more than 70 forums and activities.

the orange volunteer service station was quite eye-catching in the shougang exhibition halls. more than 200 volunteers with young shougang employees as the backbones provided the audience with voluntary services such as road guidance, information consultation, cultural promotion and emergency assistance, as well as explaining the transformation of the industrial remains of shougang park and the concept of urban renewal. they were composed of shougang employees and university students, and led by shougang. based on relevant elements such as the exhibition visiting roads, exhibition hall layouts, venue conditions, etc., three voluntary service stations and 17 voluntary service points were set up at important locations and intersections. at the same time, a shougang youth foreign language volunteer service team was also assembled to provide foreign language services as required.

the shougang youth league committee also established the "shougang park volunteer home" with the strong support of the group’s party committee organization department, shougang construction investment and shougang park services, which could meet the needs of volunteers in the park in carrying out ideological education, rest and dining, and party and group activities, as well as security material storage, working group offices and other functional requirements. it could accommodate 200 people to rest at the same time, creating conditions for shougang's young volunteers to provide exceptional services.

in the past few days, shougang’s service support personnel spared no efforts in the various tasks of ciftis, and inherited and carried forward the spirit of shougang with selflessness and a belief in “ensuring that everything goes well at ciftis". they truly polished up the "shougang service" brand with practical actions.

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