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beijing international e-sports innovation and development conference held in shougang park

release time:2020-10-29 16:52:42

on august 15, the "e-sports beijing 2020" series event of the beijing international e-sports innovation and development conference was held in the no. 3 blast furnace of shougang park. fu hua, vice minister of the propaganda department of the cpc central committee, du feijin, member of the standing committee of the beijing municipal committee and director of the propaganda department, cheng wu, vice chairman of the international e-sports federation, vice president of tencent group, and ceo of china literature attended the conference and delivered speeches. relevant persons in charge of the central ministries and commissions and the beijing municipal commissions and bureaus, districts and representative enterprises of the e-sports industry also attended the event.

at the conference, planning for the shougang e-sports industrial park was announced, of which one park, one hall, n teams and one platform will be launched. the beijing shougang construction investment co., ltd. and airmedia signed the "memorandum of cooperation in promoting the development of the e-sports game industry".

shougang park will build the beijing e-sports industry brand center, the beijing game innovation experience zone, and will jointly establish the beijing e-sports industry development association with industry leaders to provide e-sports and game companies with domestic top industry platform resources and exclusive industrial space resources and will create high-quality innovative experience scenes to become an important node and new cultural landmark for beijing's development of "one city and five centers".

the thousand-year-old capital is flourishing, and the shougang centenary is full of vigor. association representatives from the global e-sports industry, experts and scholars, industry associations and leading companies witnessed the opening of a new chapter in e-sports in the ancient capital of beijing. new shougang, new e-sports. the conference adopts the combination of online and offline parts and was divided into a main forum and four parallel forums, combining shougang's unique industrial style with new business formats and new industries, presenting a chinese version of tradition transformation and development of industrial areas.

the shougang e-sports industrial park is located in the north area of the new shougang high-end industrial integrated service area, jin’an bridge and the industrial heritage park area. the industrial-looking shougang park will carry new business functions such as trendy sports, cultural creativity and innovative consumption, providing a unique industrial space for the construction of the center and experience area. the specific implementation path includes one park, one hall, n teams and one platform. shougang park will jointly establish the beijing e-sports industry development association with industry-leading resources; jointly build a national e-sports industry ecological platform with tencent, airmedia and other industry companies, drive market consumption in beijing and the surrounding cities; cooperate with industrial leaders to build the blast furnace e-sports theme pavilion; and organize brand events, e-sports summit forums, theme exhibitions, game carnivals, etc., to create e-sports ip with characteristics; and attract top teams to settle in and form strong alliances.

in the future, the e-sports industry park will introduce 10 key enterprises with industry influence, incubate and cultivate 30 to 50 creative and high-growth companies, and form 25 characteristic boutique game experience scenes, which will become the preferred choice for branded e-sports events, industry forums and related events in beijing.

at the conference, authorities of shijingshan district, haidian district and the beijing economic and technological development zone respectively issued "implementation measures for the promotion of the development of the game industry in shijingshan district", "several measures to support the development of the digital cultural industry (e-sports industry)" and " game industry policy for the beijing economic and technological development zone" and other e-sports industry support policies. a batch of projects including the "shijingshan district online boutique game r&d base", "beijing smart e-sports center", and "the first digital entertainment immersive digital entertainment theme space project" were signed on-site. a number of industry experts and representatives gave keynote speeches, discussing the current development of the e-sports industry, new industrial trends, cutting-edge technologies and future development trends.

leaders and guests visited the "light of e-sports" exhibition and trade fair. on august 15 and 16, the two-day "light of e-sports" exhibition and trade fair was held at the no. 3 blast furnace of shougang park and the outer plaza at the same time. as an important part of the "e-sports beijing 2020" series events, the fair attracted 15 e-sports representative companies, focusing on the application of 5g, artificial intelligence, immersive experience and other technologies in the field of e-sports, and highlighting new content, new technologies, new equipment and new products that will lead future development of the e-sports industry. 

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