themed practice activities -j9九游会真人游戏第一


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themed practice activities

release time:2017-03-29 16:39:10

themed practice activities: innovation, excellence, entrepreneurship

‘innovation’ is the power. we need to advance with the times and constantly emancipate our minds; take the improvement of independent innovation ability as the core, management system innovation as the driving force, and talent team construction innovation as the guarantee, and promote every kind of work to achieve new breakthroughs.

‘excellence’ is the means. we need to understand scientific progress and market rules, keep optimizing the management system, index system, product and industrial structures, and all kinds of resource allocation, and make new progress in the implementation of shougang’s new development strategies.

‘entrepreneurship’ is the purpose. we need to undertake the historical mission, revitalize the national industry, develop the industry to serve the country, make contributions to social progress, provide development stages for the staff, and achieve the common development of the company and its employees in construction of a new shougang group.  

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