advanced collectives and excellent individuals of beijing “ankang cup” competition awarded many shougang units win awards -j9九游会真人游戏第一


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advanced collectives and excellent individuals of beijing “ankang cup” competition awarded many shougang units win awards

release time:2022-07-18 09:39:24

recently, the beijing federation of trade unions, beijing emergency management bureau and beijing municipal health commission issued the decisions on commending advanced collectives and outstanding individuals in beijing “ankang cup” competition in 2021. shougang mining was rated as a winning unit of the beijing “ankang cup” competition; the slag flushing class in ironmaking operation area i of the ironmaking operation department of shougang jingtang was rated as a winning class; shougang construction was rated as an excellent organization unit; and niu ke from the shougang trade union was rated as an excellent organization individual.

carrying out the “ankang cup” is a mass safe production activity that has been organized by the shougang trade union and department of safety and environmental protection for many consecutive years. by determining the activity’s objectives, contents and appraisal methods, and closely focusing on the competition theme of “strengthening awareness, checking hidden dangers, promoting development and protecting health”, it has carried out colorful “ankang cup” competition activities in combination with its own reality, while paying attention to summarizing, cultivating and popularizing advanced models so as to continue to deepen the activities and achieve remarkable results. in 2021, all units of the group firmly established the concept of “people first, life first”, strengthened the implementation of the main responsibility of safe production and built a new pattern of “joint management”; took deepening the double prevention mechanism as the main line, comprehensively promoted essential safety management and firmly built a defensive line for safe production; took the three-year action plan for the special rectification of national safe production as the key link; and made every effort to fight the tough battle of “complementing shortcomings and strengthening weaknesses”. in this way, the accident prevention ability has been significantly improved and the goal of “zero” serious injuries and deaths has been achieved.

surrounding the theme of the competition, shougang mining carried out the “ten one activities” of the “ankang cup” competition in depth and constantly enhanced the initiative, enthusiasm and consciousness of employees to attach importance to safety, care for safety and abide by regulations and disciplines. it made efforts to promote “double prevention”, concentrate safety management responsibilities and firmly build a defense line in safe production. it carried out “special rectification” in a down-to-earth manner, drew inferences from others, checked for leaks, filled vacancies, plugged loopholes and standardized management.

it vigorously implemented “publicity and education to realize safe production” and improved employees’ safety culture. it fully mobilized and exerted the broad masses of employees to work together to eliminate hidden dangers, realized mass prevention and treatment to guarantee safety, improved the initiative, enthusiasm and creativity of safe production, and built a safe cornerstone for the third great development of shougang mining.

the slag flushing class in ironmaking operation area i of the ironmaking operation department of shougang jingtang kept a foothold at their positions, realized strict and careful management, dealt with concrete issues and innovated to promote its safety development. the team always regarded safe production as the core of team management, and its members worked strictly and conscientiously, always adhered to “safety first” as the core of management, and completed all work safely and efficiently. through the joint efforts of the employees, the class has achieved safe production without accidents throughout the year.

shougang construction earnestly implemented the safe production requirements of beijing and the shougang group, implemented the spirit of the group’s “two sessions”, comprehensively consolidated its responsibilities, improved the working mechanism of supervising labor protection, occupational health and safe production organized by the trade union, safeguarded the life and health rights and interests of employees, and guaranteed their health. shougang construction actively organized and participated in various activities carried out by beijing and the group’s “ankang cup” competition organizing committee, completed the objectives and tasks of safe production throughout the year, and promoted the healthy and stable development of the enterprise.

niu ke, trade union officer of the shougang party-mass work department, worked closely with the labor protection center, made arrangements to learn general secretary xi’s important explanations on safe production, strengthened responsibility, implemented the spirit of the notice of higher authorities on the “ankang cup” competition activities, carried out colorful competition activities around the competition theme, safeguarded the life and health rights and interests of employees, and protected their health. at the same time, it continued to promote mass safe production and occupational health activities in depth, and continuously improved employees’ safety guarantee ability and occupational health awareness. under the joint efforts of all employees, shougang was awarded the “national safety culture construction demonstration enterprise”, and the gas, steel rolling and other units passed the national first-class safety standardization review.

in order to commend advanced collectives and set good examples, in the decision on commending advanced collectives and outstanding individuals in beijing “ankang cup” competition in 2021, a total of 109 units were awarded the title of “winning unit”, 79 teams and classes were awarded the titles of “winning team” and “winning class”, 26 units were awarded the title of “excellent organizational unit”, 29 colleagues were awarded the title of “outstanding organizational individual”, and 61 colleagues were awarded the title of “ankang guardian”.

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