flame of beijing winter paralympic games passed in shougang park -j9九游会真人游戏第一


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flame of beijing winter paralympic games passed in shougang park - nine shougang torchbearers participate in relay

release time:2022-03-07 16:51:23

on the morning of march 4th, the torch relay of the beijing winter paralympic games was held at the station of the beijing organizing committee for the 2022 winter olympic and paralympic games in shougang park. it was also the last station of the torch relay.

the theme of the torch relay of the 2022 winter olympic and paralympic games was “home of the winter olympic games”, which embodies the unique charm of the “dual olympic city” and shows the achievements of 300 million people participating in ice and snow sports, as well as the balanced development of summer and winter sports in beijing.

the route of the torch relay through shougang park started at the station of the beijing organizing committee, passed by the shangri-la hotel, wuyi theater, blast furnace no. 3, blast furnace no. 4, liugonghui, qunming lake and other landmarks, and finally reached its destination on the north side of east gate square of shougang park factory. the torch was passed for about 3 km in the factory area. after the relay on february 2nd, shougang park once again witnessed a historic olympic torch relay, showing the predestined olympic love of shougang for a century as an “enterprise contributing to both the summer and winter olympics”. in the process of the torch relay in shougang park, the characteristics of science and technology were emphasized as a scene unfolded of disabled athletes using exoskeleton technology on their upper and lower limbs to pass on the torch.

shougang park was the location of the beijing organizing committee for the 2022 winter olympic and paralympic games, and the venue of big air shougang where china’s winter olympic dreams were born. at the recently concluded games, four gold medals were produced at big air shougang, the only snow competition venue in beijing during the winter olympic games to be undertaken by shougang park, and people all over the world were amazed by the unique and characteristic steel heritage. the great transformation of shougang from fire to ice has become an important symbol of deep urban transformation in beijing, and the infinite vitality that glows in shougang park has become a model of urban renewal driven by the olympic games, creating a new business card of “shougang for a hundred years” which has become famous all over the world.

the torch of the beijing winter olympic games is red and silver, signifying the blending of ice and fire; and the torch of the beijing winter paralympic games is gold and silver, symbolizing dreams and glory. nine torchbearers from shougang participated in the relays: zhao peng, li yang, zhang yang, zhao weibin, zou libin, zhou ting and jiang jinyu at shougang park for the beijing winter olympic games, and wei jianping and du weibin at zhangjiakou for the beijing winter paralympic games.

from march 2nd to 4th, more than 500 torchbearers participated in the torch relay of the beijing 2022 winter paralympic games. on the evening of march 4th, after being passed from hand to hand all the way there, the torch of the winter paralympic games arrived at the bird’s nest (national stadium).

zou libin from the management and finance department of the group said, “as a shougang person, i felt extremely proud and excited when i held the torch of the beijing 2022 winter paralympic games high and ran through the brand-new shougang park! from the fire of steel to the flame of the olympic games, we have witnessed beijing become a ‘dual olympic city’ and shougang park become a model of urban renewal after being baptized in both fire and ice. this is my home where i’ve lived and worked for more than 30 years, and we’ve given our sweat to our hard work. looking at shougang park, it’s full of vitality and joy. let this roaring flame accompany us to welcome a brighter future for shougang.”

zhao peng from shougang international said, “today, as a torchbearer of the winter paralympic games, i felt deeply proud to pass on the olympic flame and spread the olympic concept of “higher, faster, stronger - together”. as a shougang employee, i participated in the torch relay of the winter paralympic games in shougang park. the park is full of olympic elements, showing the efforts and contributions of shougang people to the olympic games. among the olympic venues and facilities that have risen straight from the ground, shougang’s products can be seen everywhere, helping to realize a green olympics. now, ‘made in shougang’ and shougang’s products have crossed the seas and joined hands with enterprises from various countries to create a better future. scientific and technological shougang, green shougang and humanistic shougang make unremitting efforts for the olympic games, a better life and making the world a better place!”

li yang from shougang engineering said, “as a shougang person, i was honored to participate in the torch relay of the winter paralympic games. i hope the olympic spirit will be passed down forever! i was very proud to witness the beautiful environment and landscape of shougang park which was personally designed and built by my colleagues at shougang engineering, and i hope that the spirit of shougang will be passed down from generation to generation! today is the second day of the second lunar month, the dragon head-raising festival. i wish for the motherland to rise and develop to prosperity rapidly, and for the people to live in peace!”

zhang yang from shougang real estate said, “as a shougang person, i was extremely proud to pass on the torch of the winter paralympic games in shougang park! i felt proud because shougang park has witnessed the rebirth of shougang from fire to ice, and because our great motherland has built a well-off society in an all-round way and made great efforts to realize the chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation under the leadership of the communist party of china. the olympic flame is just like the hope in our hearts. the torch relay means to pass on dreams and hope. let’s hand them on from one person to the next, live up to our youth, struggle together to create a bright future for shougang, and work hard to write the future of the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation!”

zhao weibin from shougang environment said, “i was very excited and proud to be a torchbearer of the beijing winter paralympic games and participate in the olympic torch relay in the factory where i used to work. i’ll always remember this glory. beijing is the first city to realize an “all-green” olympic games. as an employee of shougang in the environmental industry, i will continue to adhere to the original intention of environmental protection, stick to the mission of the industry and actively practice the concept of green and sustainable development so that more urban solid waste can be converted into clean energy, thousands of households can benefit, beijing, the ancient capital for thousands of years and “dual olympic city”, will become more beautiful, and the lives of the people will be happier.

zhou ting from shougang construction investment said, “i was deeply honored and proud to be a torchbearer of the beijing winter paralympic games. i felt very grateful and honored to pass on the torch in shougang park, with which i am familiar. beijing has become the “dual olympic city” and shougang has become doubly attached to the olympic games from the summer olympics to the winter olympics. i witnessed and personally participated in every stage of the transformation process of shougang park. running on the land where i struggle hard, i felt particularly grounded and firm. i was grateful that i could make my own contribution to the beijing winter olympic games and the transformation of shougang. i wish both shougang and beijing a better tomorrow! we will have a better future together!”

jiang jinyu from shougang park service said, “when i held the torch high, i seemed to experience that glorious moment when the athletes mount the podium! with every step of running forward after lifting the torch, unforgettable images of my six years serving the winter olympic games appeared before me, and the praise of every visitor for shougang and its people rang in my ears. every visitor reception made me proud. the responsibility and mission on my shoulders urged me to do better! at that moment, as a torchbearer, i had a deeper understanding of the true meaning of the olympic spirit: every ordinary person will have an extraordinary life if they participate in the olympic games! i hope our shougang park will become more and more beautiful! i hope our motherland will become stronger and more prosperous after the winter olympic games!”

on march 3rd, wei jianping and du weibin participated in the torch relay of the beijing winter paralympic games in nuanquan ancient town of zhangjiakou and guanting reservoir national wetland park of zhangjiakou respectively.

wei jianping from dachang shougang electromechanical said, “i was excited and proud to be a torchbearer for the beijing 2022 winter paralympic games. the beauty of the winter paralympic games lies in the beauty of its spirit! as a member of the big family of shougang, i should follow the example of athletes who are physically disabled but firm in spirit, learn from their spirit of fighting tenaciously, overcome all kinds of setbacks and challenges encountered in life, work and study, and make my own contributions to the high-quality development of shougang!”

du weibin from the shouqin corporation said, “as a torchbearer of the winter paralympic games, i felt extremely honored to use the torch to convey the spirit of constantly striving to become stronger, the concepts of courage and equality, and the ideals of peace and hope. this was the most glorious moment in my life. i will turn this honor and spiritual encouragement into action and look forward to moving towards a brighter future with shougang, our motherland and the world!”

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