beijing shougang’s green and low-j9九游会真人游戏第一


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beijing shougang’s green and low-carbon transformation was praised by cctv

release time:2021-11-18 09:52:48

on november 11th, 2021, cctv news broadcast a special report entitled “further decline of industrial energy consumption intensity in the first three quarters” which introduced the typical deeds of beijing shougang in developing new electrical sheet products to help industrial green and low-carbon transformation and development. in recent years, beijing shougang has adhered to the development strategy of “green manufacturing and low-carbon development”, and persisted in “high-end, efficient and green” product positioning, leading the green transformation and development of the industrial chain, insisting on thinking about more environmentally friendly and energy-saving technological innovations from the two dimensions of its own process flow and product application terminals, pursuing the r&d of greener and more efficient electrical steel products, and delivering green products for household appliances, travel, energy and other fields, winning the widespread praise of the mainstream media.

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